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Listening Fest

Upgrade your listening = sell more

You're on the page because you've been invited to Listening Fest. The 1st time was a smash success, so we're excited to run this event for the 2nd time. It'll be held on Thursday September 2nd from 12pm to 1:45pm EST. It costs $139 and is limited to 20 people. Please read below for details. 



This is for sellers and sales managers that want to to take their listening to the next level, and by doing so, take their Sales Craft to the next level. 



  1. Be aware of what different levels of listening feel like as a the listener

  2. Know the impact that different levels of listening has on the speaker

  3. Be able to identify what level you're listening at in any given scenario

  4. Be able confidently and clearly take action to shift your level of listening. 



Listening is the most important character trait in sales. Only through listening, can one truly understand their customer, the situation, needs, wants, challenges, and from there, build trust and a relationship. 


While there is a lot written about listening, what to do it, why, how, there’s few places to practice it. This is the point of Listening Fest. The purpose of Listening Fest is not to teach why you should or how to do it, but to give you the experience of what amazing listening feels like both from the perspective of the listener and from the perspective of the speaker. 



In Listening Fest, the theory of listening will be discussed briefly, why it’s hard and what amazing listening accomplishes. 


We will spend the majority of our time practicing different levels of listening with time for reflection, and questions, so that each person will have a great idea of what amazing, and not so amazing, listening feels like from both the perspective of the listener and speaker. 



  1. Show up on time. Late joined won’t be allowed.

  2. Honesty. Speak your truth, ask for what you need, clarifying something if you need to. 

  3. Commitment. Do the exercise to your best or not at all. 



  1. 105 minute event

  2. Limit to 20 people. 10 pairs in breakout rooms

  3. Date/time - Thursday September 2nd from 12pm to 1:45pm EST





  1. Enter your contact details

  2. Submit payment

  3. After payment is submitted, you'll get a confirmation email confirming your seat. 

Step 1 - Enter your contact details
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